Take for granted Meaning in Gujarati



Type of Take for granted

phrase of grant

Definition and Meaning of Take for granted in Gujarati

કોઈ વાત પર સવાલ કર્યા વિના તે સાચી છે તેમ માની લેવું, વધુ પડતી પરિચિતતાના પરિણામે કશાકની યોગ્ય રીતે પ્રશંસા કરવામાં નિષ્ફળ જવું

Pronunciation of Take for granted in Gujarati

Take for granted (ટેક ફોર ગ્રાન્ટેડ)

Usage of Take for granted in a Sentence

    • He had taken it for granted that they’d get married.

    • તેણે તે સ્વીકારી લીધું હતું કે તેઓ લગ્ન કરશે.

    • There are many things you take for granted.

    • એવી ઘણી વસ્તુઓ છે જેને તમે માની લો છો.

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Take for granted meaning in Gujarati | Take for granted no arth shu che | explained Take for granted in Gujarati

Synonyms of Take for granted in Gujarati

assume, presume, suppose, take it, take as read, presuppose, conjecture, surmise, conclude, deduce

Antonyms of Take for granted in Gujarati

abandon, deny, disbelieve, discard, dismiss, dispute, disregard, exclude

Tags for Take for granted Meaning in Gujarati

Take for granted Meaning in Gujarati. Take for granted Meaning in Gujarati by MIG. Meaning and definitions of Take for granted. translation of Take for granted in Gujarati language with similar and opposite words. Spoken pronunciation of Take for granted in English and in Gujarati. What Take for granted means in Gujarati. Take for granted meaning in Gujarati. Take for granted definition, Take for granted, pronunciations and exTake for grantedples of Take for granted in Gujarati. Synonyms of Take for granted in Gujarati. Take for granteds of Take for granted in Gujarati. Take for granted in Gujarati Dictionary. Take for granted typing in Gujarati. Thesaurus of Take for granted in Gujarati. Thesaurus of Take for granted Meaning in Gujarati.

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આ Website માં તમે Take for granted નો Gujarati માં અર્થ સમજશો અને એની સાથે Take for granted નું pronunciation પણ શિખશો. એટ્લે કે તમે Take for granted ના meaning ની સાથે સાથે એ પણ શિખશો કે Take for granted ને કેવી રીતે બોલાય, Take for granted ને બોલવાની સાચી રીત કઈ છે. તો બસ એક મિનટ માં શીખો Take for granted શબ્દ ને. Lets learn Gujarati Meaning of Take for granted in detail. Take for granted નો gujarati માં meaning.

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