Type of Disease
noun: disease; plural noun: diseases
Definition and Meaning of Disease in Gujarati
રોગ, બીમારી, માંદગી, દરદ, મંદવાડ, વિશિષ્ટ રોગ, વ્યાધિ
Pronunciation of Disease in Gujarati
Disease (ડિઝીઝ)
Usage of Disease in a Sentence
Smoking increases the risk of heart disease.
ધૂમ્રપાન કરવાથી હૃદયરોગનું જોખમ વધે છે.
She suffers from a rare disease of the brain.
તે મગજના દુર્લભ રોગથી પીડાઇ રહી છે.
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Synonyms of Disease in Gujarati
illness, sickness, ill health, infection, ailment, malady, disorder, complaint, affliction, condition, indisposition, upset, problem, trouble
Antonyms of Disease in Gujarati
Tags for Disease Meaning in Gujarati
Disease Meaning in Gujarati. Disease Meaning in Gujarati by MIG. Meaning and definitions of Disease. translation of Disease in Gujarati language with similar and opposite words. Spoken pronunciation of Disease in English and in Gujarati. What Disease means in Gujarati. Disease meaning in Gujarati. Disease definition, Disease, pronunciations and exDiseaseples of Disease in Gujarati. Synonyms of Disease in Gujarati. Diseases of Disease in Gujarati. Disease in Gujarati Dictionary. Disease typing in Gujarati. Thesaurus of Disease in Gujarati. Thesaurus of Disease Meaning in Gujarati.
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આ Website માં તમે Disease નો Gujarati માં અર્થ સમજશો અને એની સાથે Disease નું pronunciation પણ શિખશો. એટ્લે કે તમે Disease ના meaning ની સાથે સાથે એ પણ શિખશો કે Disease ને કેવી રીતે બોલાય, Disease ને બોલવાની સાચી રીત કઈ છે. તો બસ એક મિનટ માં શીખો Disease શબ્દ ને. Lets learn Gujarati Meaning of Disease in detail. Disease નો gujarati માં meaning.
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