Type of Fainted
verb: faint; 3rd person present: faints; past tense: fainted; past participle: fainted; gerund or present participle: fainting
Definition and Meaning of Fainted in Gujarati
મૂર્છિત, બેભાન અવસ્થા, મૂર્છા પામવી, બેભાન થવું તે, બેશુદ્ધ થવું, બેહોશ થવું
Pronunciation of Fainted in Gujarati
Fainted (ફેન્ટેડ્)
Usage of Fainted in a Sentence
He fainted away with the shock of the news.
સમાચારના આઘાતથી તે બેભાન થઈ ગયો.
She fainted because of the heat.
ગરમીને કારણે તે બેભાન થઈ ગઈ.
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Synonyms of Fainted in Gujarati
pass out, black out, collapse, flake out, drop, go out, go out like a light, swoon
Antonyms of Fainted in Gujarati
Tags for Fainted Meaning in Gujarati
Fainted Meaning in Gujarati. Fainted Meaning in Gujarati by MIG. Meaning and definitions of Fainted. translation of Fainted in Gujarati language with similar and opposite words. Spoken pronunciation of Fainted in English and in Gujarati. What Fainted means in Gujarati. Fainted meaning in Gujarati. Fainted definition, Fainted, pronunciations and exFaintedples of Fainted in Gujarati. Synonyms of Fainted in Gujarati. Fainteds of Fainted in Gujarati. Fainted in Gujarati Dictionary. Fainted typing in Gujarati. Thesaurus of Fainted in Gujarati. Thesaurus of Fainted Meaning in Gujarati.
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આ Website માં તમે Fainted નો Gujarati માં અર્થ સમજશો અને એની સાથે Fainted નું pronunciation પણ શિખશો. એટ્લે કે તમે Fainted ના meaning ની સાથે સાથે એ પણ શિખશો કે Fainted ને કેવી રીતે બોલાય, Fainted ને બોલવાની સાચી રીત કઈ છે. તો બસ એક મિનટ માં શીખો Fainted શબ્દ ને. Lets learn Gujarati Meaning of Fainted in detail. Fainted નો gujarati માં meaning.
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